
Guides from LoveSail that will help you get to know maritime and sailing culture more closely.

LoveSail ve Fethiye Yacht Classic Otel

LoveSail and Fethiye Yacht Classic Hotel

Yacht Classic Hotel is located in one of the most well-known and preferred locations in Fethiye, the Yacht Classic Hotel serves as the headquarters for LoveSail. This unique hotel is one of the top choices for both day trips and long-term stays for sailing yachts.

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Things to Consider When Renting a Sailboat

Things to Consider When Renting a Sailboat: Renting a sailboat offers a peaceful, adventurous experience on the water. However, there are several important points to keep in mind when renting a sailboat. At LoveSail, we recommend considering the following points to make your sailboat rental process more enjoyable and secure:

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